Doctor Who Season 8 'Flatline'

Doctor Who season 8, episode 8, “Mummy on the Orient Express,” just aired and it was a proper hide behind the couch thriller.

In a season that’s been a bit up and down, this episode had the feel of what makes Doctor Who, Doctor Who: danger, a mystery, a double cross, classic shout outs, and the Doctor/Companion relationship put to the test, and an episode anyone could just jump in and watch.

Last hurrah aboard the Orient Express
After last week’s spectacular telling off, the Doctor decides to take Clara on a last hurrah aboard the Space Orient Express. Despite best efforts, both are a bit uncomfortable around the other. Jelly babies in a cigarette case aren’t going to solve this one. Neither really knows how to let the other one go, or how to apologize or take back regretted words and deeds. Of course, since the Doctor is the Doctor, this is no simple farewell voyage.

Rule 1: The Doctor lies
We come to discover that the Doctor has actually been receiving all sorts of enticements to come aboard this train. It wasn’t a whim despite what he told Clara. Some unknown person or force wanted the Doctor and other experts aboard the train to solve the mystery of The Foretold, a legendary creature that takes a 66 second countdown to kill you once it locks onto you.

Softer Doctor
After the Doctor has to make several tough calls, he shows Clara a softer and vulnerable side that has been fairly suppressed this season. It does bother him that he has made her “an accomplice” in acquiring Maisie. He does truly care, and isn’t heartless. It’s just that sometimes there are tough decisions that he intends for the greater good, but the outcome isn’t always clear. It’s a bit of a “heavy is the head that wears the crown,” but it goes a long way in explaining this Doctor’s attitude this season. It manages to humanize him a bit more to both Clara and the audience. He still cares, he just doesn’t always reveal it.

Soldiering on
In the end, the Doctor uses himself as bait with he classic “Are you my mummy?” line that was going through everyone’s head. He discovers that the legendary threat is actually a soldier who was forced to soldier on until he was dismissed. The Doctor discovers how to put the soldier to rest before any more lives are lost. There is genuine empathy in the eyes of the Doctor who frequently expresses dismay with those who hold guns.

Tonight’s military tie-in is the latest in what has been a season that examines the military, and the up and down sides of serving one’s country. The question is, are all these military connections: Danny Pink, moon soldiers, Orson Pink, Journey Blue, etc. all going to interconnect at some point?

Breaking up is hard to do
Despite this supposedly being the the last journey of Clara and the Doctor, the two reconcile. Danny is Okay with Clara travelling with the Doctor as long as she trusts the Doctor. He is not jealous of their relationship, but perhaps he should be more concerned. Does he realize how high the stakes are? The Doctor clearly wants Clara around, but can he really keep Clara safe and bring her back on time for Danny? Experience says no.

Unanswered questions
Where were Missy and company this week? Several people died, but we didn’t see them turn up in Paradise. Also, who was the puppet-master behind the entire set-up? Is this person or persons an old or new foe?